Friday, January 8, 2010

Reflections continued....

You know that I should be giving you only one photo a day, but when you have a theme going and I have to tell the stories, you will just see more pictures than one. I will settle down and quit putting out so much on my photo a day, but being snowed in, drinking large quantities of coffee and I do talk too much, it just all adds up to this kind of thing.

I have always had a fascination of glass items.  It is the way the pieces are made, and of course the reflection.  I have inherited, collected through garage sale finds, and hoarded pieces that fascinated me.
I will probably do a blog as this winter plows on, on my Larry's Creative Zone blog about the glass items that clutter our house.  I like the history of pieces as  well from the family members who owned them.
The bowl above was won by my mom at an antique show.  They have door prizes offered, if you sign up, and she had her name drawn out for this bowl.  It is a medium size compared to a punch bowl and is a thick  so it is heavy.

The side view shows a great pattern detail below the rosette. I am assuming this is a mold created form and was never hand cut as it wouldn't have been given away as a door prize if it were hand cut. There is a matching rosette of course on the bottom.

A closeup of my grandmother's fruit bowl.  I don't know the pattern of this but I bet someone out there will know.

I was one of the few grandchildren around during my grandmother Brook's later years.   She was always just giving me stuff, after I had painted her house,  mowed her yard, or helped with things inside the house. One day she was digging around in her old buffet, and she pulled out this bowl and six matching dishes.  I know that it didn't cost much when she bought as she was always poor.

It is a clear glass, not pink as the left bowl is shaded, and I have seen it at garage sales in malls from time to time and they have high prices on them.  The actual value is irrelevant to me.

Jack Sparrow, in Pirates of the Caribbean, was returning to his crew, and he told them he was looking for something.  They asked him what he was looking for, and he said "Shiny." Who knows what he was looking for?


Sunny said...

I love old glass. We have a few pieces that have been in the family but sometimes I get a little paranoid that I'm going to break them!
Which Pirates of the Caribbean?
Sunny :)

L. D. said...

I believe it was the second one, Dead Man's Chest.

The Retired One said...

We have a bunch of cut glass and old pressed glass pieces too!
I love gemstones too, because of the reflections on the stones...I like Jack's reply of "shiny"
That works for me in jewelry all the time. ha

Sunny said...

I'm just guessing that he was referring to the contents of the treasure chest? Sorry I seem to be having a brain cramp! Ha-ha!
Sunny :)

Ed said...

Very nice, I, like my dad have a thing for blue glass..:-)

Betsy Brock said...

Beautiful! I just ran a few of my pieces through the dishwasher yesterday and enjoyed them sparkling in the sunlight. I'm snowed in with a pot of coffee, too! :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Well I appreciated the simplicity of that berry set..I have the same one someplace...I should just use it! I have several clear pieces that have aged and started to turn a pink and a must have been certain impurities in the glass being effected by the sunlight after lots of years:)


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...