Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sepia Saturday, Work to be done....

As I go through things in the spare cold room, that are left over from the funerals and as I am looking through boxes of things that I brought home,  I see the pictures.  There are family pictures that have been piled up in a hurry, to be saved, not to be discarded.  This pile is the leftovers from my mom's funeral and from her house.  I am finding photos of some interesting looking relatives that I will have to try and identify.  Some I will never figure out who they are, but I do have one hope.  If I can get my act together, I have one living uncle left, ninety some years old, and he could know the answers to the various poses of people of the past.  My mom's senior photo is the one sticking out at the left.  All you can see is the wavy hair, taken in 1937.  You will see that portrait some of these days, along with Great, Great, Grandma Wheeler.   The sepia search will make me dig into the boxes and do the work that is left to be done.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh it will be fun to watch this project unfold..I will be waiting!! :)

Betsy Brock said...

Well, you are torturing us with that pile...we will all want to reach out and sort through that right away! LOL! Yes, I think a trip to visit your uncle is a must...and soon! Looking forward to seeing more of these! :)

Tess Kincaid said...

I've been busy scanning my grandfather's old photos, since his passing two years ago. I'm making discs of the photos and family info for each of the extended family to enjoy.

Ed said...

I did the same a couple of years ago and had a blast getting all the info from my folks..:-)

claude said...

I like old photos and I have some. My mother recognize every people even if the photos are very very old. Have a good saturday and Sunday, Larry.

Martin said...

Good luck with unravelling the mysteries. I look forward to reading more on future Sepia Saturdays.

Valerie said...

Can't wait to read the outcome of this project. Old photographs are so very interesting.

Alan Burnett said...

We are all looking forward to seeing the photos and the results of your investigations. There is easily enough there to keep Sepia Saturday going for the rest of the year.

tony said...

yes! Sit Him Down Now! 'Sounds Like Your Uncle Would Be The Key To Your Search.

Sunny said...

We have boxes of old pictures of family members that no one can identify! Too bad nobody made a note on the back of the picture.
Good luck with your project.
Sunny :)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

My dad always had a darkroom in every house we lived in, so lots of photos. I have a few framed, the rest are in boxes. When our family gets together we always look through our boxes and laugh and pass on a few.

Stephanie said...

I too have boxes of photos waiting to be sorted. Good luck with yours!

The Retired One said...

Oh, you MUST talk to your uncle as soon as many details of our family pictures have been lost. It is so important that you speak to him and identify them. In fact, bring a tape recorder and have him tell you some family stories...I so wish we had done that with my folks and uncles and aunts!


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...