Monday, April 19, 2010

Old clamps.......

These clamps were used to hold together my mom's quilt frames.  I guess I will toss the frames, even though they have had a very busy past with so many memories.  My mom made dozens of wonderful quilts for all of her kids and grandkids.  The baby blankets didn't have to be clamped but she hand quilted so many wonderful things.
I can't keep all of history, and the four 2 by 2 boards with cloth attached are old and dirty.  They were connected at the corners and held in place with clamps and the quilt was stretched inside of the square opening and hand stitched to the frame to hold it out and keep everything flat. As she finished quilting a row, she would unclamp the one side and roll the quilt on to the one side so she could reach the next row.


The Retired One said...

Neat clamps and story to go along with them!

Martin said...

These are good things to keep. Would you believe, I have my grandparent's little wooden threshold to the old house. It was removed when double-glazing was fitted.

One day, I may have it carved into something I can pass down.

Prospero said...

Makes a good Marcel Duchamp object d'art, Larry.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Great description of a proper quilting frame!! I have one too and four little stools to balance the quilt frame on. I have these clamps too!! Now a days we do us lots of other clamps to hold it to the boards and even safety pin the top batting and bottom together..years ago they used thumb tacks..I bet if you looked closely at the boards they have hundreds of little holes in them. You can't keep is just impossible you just keep the memory! :)

Tuesday Morn....

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