Thursday, April 29, 2010

Red violet lilac......

Next to my parents property in the alley next to a large old two story house, is this lilac bush.  It is a very red one, compared to the violet or light violet variety.  I have looked hard to find a sprout that I could fine that would give me this bush so I will order it out of a catalog.

Indoors with a flash it has a more violet color.  I brought home a low branch of the bush.  When I first bought my property, I was out one spring morning and a neighbor lady was trying to collect a bouquet off of the back side of the one on my property.  I didn't care at all but she was trying so hard to not let me see her.  I guess the few years that my property sat vacant that  everyone helped themselves to the rhubarb and anything else that was blooming.  I will try to  get off the spring bloom kick next time but this was easy pickens.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Well I have been enjoying your spring blooms!! This Lilac is lovely..which one do you think it is? Can you try to stick one of the new green shoots into the ground and see what happens? The young green shoots will often root.
A new lilac called Yankee Doodle is supposed to be one of the darkest out there. Frank Klager is another dark one.:)

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the spring blooms very much. This variety is really pretty.

Martin said...

Blooms and blossom such as those you've been posting, are made for sharing, Larry. Thank you for doing so.

claude said...

What a pretty color for theses beautiful small flowers. A Lilac is a very beautiful tree in blossom.

Valerie said...

Spring blooms are beautiful, such heavenly colours and scents. I haven't seen that particular coloured lilac before, it's magnificent.

OiseauBird said...

very vibrant color
and may be the lilac smell good ?

Window View.....

 Hardy Geraniums living the good life inside during the winter weather outside is freezing.