Wednesday, August 18, 2010

State Fairs

 A State Fair brings large groups of people together to look at things, animals and other people.  The baby chicks were to be watched by a 4H volunteer to be sure no one would disturb the exhibit.  This young man really had a need to get closer to newly hatched chicks.


claude said...

Baby chicks are so cute.

Valerie said...

He doesn't seem to be part of it, somehow. Lovely chicks, and so many of them.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

That is a sweet picture. I can almost smell the little chicks and hear their little peeps.


Sunny said...

It's almost fair season here. I think there is one every weekend from now until well into autumn.
The chicks are so cute, I guess the young man took his job very seriously!
☼ Sunny

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Larry, Cute little chicks...I first thought the volunteer was asleep!
