Saturday, August 21, 2010

There are many points of view........

But here are two points of view of this hibiscus.  My neighbor gave it to me last year and it survived the winter and the summer too.  I had a dinner plate hibiscus a few years back and this one seems a little smaller that my first one. The smooth perfect circle leads me to believe that it is why they call it a dinner plate.

It coloring is almost unbelievable.  It has such delicate textures with subtle coloring. I learned from the past that the hibiscus plant doesn't come up  very early in the spring. In fact they look dead from last years growth, but leave them alone.  A month longer than you will expect, they will start to shoot up new growth.


Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite blooms. Many years ago, John and I had one of these at our first home. Here in Georgia, the Japanese beetles love the plant but a little sevin dust helps. Thanks for reminding me what a pretty and delicate plant this is.

Sunny said...

I think this is a Southern Belle Hybiscus, it's beautiful.
I came across some when I was running some errands yesterday and took some pictures. Great minds must think alike!
Hope your weekend is delightful.
☼ Sunny

Gigi Ann said...

Oh My Goodness, that is one beautiful flower. You have an unbelievable green thumb.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Just spectacular !
You should have entered this photo in the State fair !
Maybe next year.

claude said...

Oh my ! Very beautiful hibiscus flower. The coler is so sweet and delicate. A beauty !

Valerie said...

The Hibiscus is gorgeous, I don't think I've ever seen it close up before. I like the new header, that was a surprise.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a beautiful hibiscus. Glad it has survived for you and given you those wonderful blooms.


Russell said...

Nice flower images. And I really like the photos from the Jacobson Center at the state fairgrounds. That is an incredible building.

I still might make it to the fair yet tomorrow! Heh!

The Retired One said...

these are probably the two best photos you have ever posted, Larry....just gorgeous!!

Ezhilan said...

Indeed it looks like a beautiful dinner plate! I like it's soft colors. We have a red hibiscus plant in our home.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Simply perfect blooms, I can see why you like them:)


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