Monday, September 27, 2010


My son says  he is coming back to Iowa from Maine to get his bike.  I have had it for quite a while now but I will put it back into the basement. I had planned to toss it with it's bad tires and no pedals. At one time I was going to ride it but the cost to put into the purchase of two new tires and pedals seemed more than just going to buy a lesser two wheeled bike.  I offered to buy him a new one but I guess it is his first mountain bike.  There are memories that come with this one.


Betsy Brock said...

Aww...yes, it's a sentimental thing!

Christine H. said...

There is something kind of sweet about this. A son who is sentimental is a good son to have.

claude said...

That is this one he wants not another one !!!

Valerie said...

It will be a shame to disturb the growth around and inside the wheels.

Linda said...

First love. What a good dad you are to have held on to his bike! Your instincts were right.

Far Side of Fifty said... long are you supposed to keep it for? Kids..they think we can keep all their treasures..this one looks like it makes a fine garden ornament:)
