Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More Monarchs.........

Tuesday was a windy day and the night before was cold but not freezing.  I was concerned about them as we also had a short rain shower.  When I went out this morning  a lot of them had moved on and later I realized that had moved into areas where the sun was shining. They knew that they needed to warm up before they moved on.  A few were feeding on my zinnia patch but not in great numbers  As I mowed the yard they were warming up and starting to scatter into the  air. 

This is an amazing photo as to how many of them there were.  They selected parts of a tree and gathered and rested. When I first bought this house in 1976,  I noticed a migration the very first year.  Then throughout the past different years there have been large groups but not like this year.  One of my former students wrote and said her trees were just covered and she thought she was caught in a Nature PBS program in Mexico. If you check their routes they are headed on a path down through Texas.


The Retired One said...

OMG, Larry...that is an AWESOME shot!!! I am thrilled when I see ONE monarch for a photo, much less a party of them. I am posting mine in a few days but I love these so much!!

Larry said...

WOW!!! L

jennyfreckles said...

That's unbelievable. Awesome.

Lo said...

So awesome.......and how do they manage that trip?

I hope the numbers indicate a boom year in Monarchs.

Alan Burnett said...

Absolutely astonishing. So many wonderful creatures gathered in one place.

Catching Dreams....