Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Switch to flowers one more time.......

The cool weather has caused my roses to set on one last set of flowers. The rains keep coming but just not as much as most of the summer. Most of my flowers are dead from the excess of rain or they are weathered so much that they have lost any of their great looks.

When the above bud opens this is what you see.  It is so rich in color.  I know that it won't be long for them all to just shut down but for now I really appreciate their last burst of energy.


claude said...

Pretty rose, Larry !
A flower in our garden from June to October.
Thats is a very beautiful thing.

Valerie said...

The last rose of summer is often the most beautiful. I like the new header, the butterflies look even more striking up there.

Alan Burnett said...

I always like to catch up with the weather you are having over there : we always seem to get it about a week later.

Far Side of Fifty said...

That is one pretty shade of pink..you may get a few more if the weather holds:)

Catching Dreams....