Sunday, May 29, 2011


My wife's doll collection is filled with many differnt faces.  They are ceramic creations, hand painted to give the illusion of a human face. They sit in rows and gaze out into space, giving a stare or a glance.

The camera created a special effect with the glare of the window that I couldn't duplicate but I did like the resulting photo. I  have another that will show a completely different coloring. I intend doing a series on faces.  Not everyday in a row, but periodically as I find the photos to take.


Valerie said...

How lovely. I like the second picture, the doll on the right is beautiful, her features are familiar somehow.

Betsy Brock said...

Oooh...she has some very nice ones!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Della has good taste..the dolls are very pretty:)

The Retired One said...

Staring dolls kind of creep me out. LOL But they are very pretty.

Glennis said...

Your wife is very talented, the faces are just lovely.


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...