Monday, May 30, 2011


I witnessed a painting of a student whose face was to be concealed. He was to blend into the background. This was at the school where I was subbing for a math teacher.

One young man's own face expressed his joy of being photographed with their project.  The guy being painted didn't seem to be alive.  I did see him later going to lunch, looking like that.  Later he literally hit the showers to wash off the tempera paint.


Valerie said...

Rather him that me. I would have been worried in case the paint didn't wash off.

Maryhocam said...

School is a bit different these days:-)

Glennis said...

Interesting activity, not one I would be keen to indulge in but a lot of fun to watch!

Thanks for your kind thoughts of our Country, things are still not good at Christchurch, earthquakes continue all the time, I am very glad I do not live very near, we seldom feel the quakes that occur there, the damage is still not been repaired it will take decades I think, so many buildings are having to be demolished, it will be a very different city. Ofcause Japan had it very much worse with the tsunami and quake but still it has changed the lives of thousands of ordinary people who now have no home or job, we all feel for them and do fund raising to help ease things for them.


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...