Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Animal faces from a print that we have hanging in our house. The angle was forced to keep the glare from becoming a part of the photo.

Larry the cucumber from Veggie Tales.  Me being a Larry and my name keeps being abused and used over and over again in shows and commercial's to depict unkempt, unintelligent, dim witted human beings, it makes sense that I should own Larry the cucumber. I am not smart enough to know that they are making fun of me by giving my name to a cucumber.


claude said...

Wonderful print, Larry, I love a lot !
May you do not know but in Europe the people ate and eat some cucumber from spain which killed (till today) 14 persons and made more 300 very sick.
I prefer Larry the cucumber !!!

Alan Burnett said...

It is odd how we associate names with characteristics. I always associate Larry with artistic flair - and you are to blame for that.

Valerie said...

The print is very nice, Larry. By the way, your name is not solely for dimwits... all the people I know with the name Larry are bright and personable people.

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely and vibrant art piece. We tease my brother about Larry the Cucumber too. Here in the Atlanta area, our Larry has a double whammy; his name is Larry Williams and there are quite a few, some of which have a long criminal record!!!!!!!!


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...