Tuesday, May 3, 2011


As a photo blog, I do want to share photos that have artistic compositions, more that just a pretty picture. Don't get me wrong as you know I post a lot of pretty pictures.  While at the winery attending to our booth at the art show, couples of older folks, older than me came walking through the show.  They were dressed up in their finest, looking out of place among the tightly outfitted bikers who were showing way too much.  Later on, I heard that it was a classic car group that was out for a tour. It wasn't like a scene from the Great Gatsby but the group looked like they had a little more money than me and they were well refined in their appearance.

The photo show the reflection of the red roof of the winery.  I left the guy in the green shirt as had really added a color balance to the abstract close up of the car.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful capture Larry!

Hilary said...

There are a few interesting reflections in that shiny car hood. It has some really nice lines... and handicapped parking privileges to boot.

Far Side of Fifty said...

beautiful car..that paint job is something else:)

Side View

 I saw the bird on the feeder and knew it was larger than the sparrows that are usually on the feeder. The feeder is empty but the mourning ...