Monday, May 2, 2011

Yellow Free Spirits......

I wanted to be the first blogger to post my prized flowers.  They really are a nice flower with great color and texture. Yes they do make a mess in the yard's smooth blanket of green.  I do need to get out there and mow my yard but alas I am a Industrial Tech teacher today.


Anonymous said...

I've seen a couple of blogs lately where the grandchildren have picked bouquets of these for grandma! They are plentiful in our yard too.
Hope your school day goes smoothly.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

You are a riot, Larry! But your talent in taking photos makes these dandelions look like a hybrid flower.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Well it doesn't get dark til almost eight O'clock..we cannot mow in the are correct snow is a curse especially in May..but your comment made me smile..Thanks for that:)

Valerie said...

I confess I like the dandelions simply because they attract the wildlife.

Evening Sky....

 The neighbor's clump birch looks treat in front of the sunset sky of the day. I am sure it was more wonderful with all that foreground ...