Friday, October 7, 2011

Falll foliage.........

A photo taken in low light causes the image to have a softer effect.  The maples are changing and will be ready for raking very soon.


Gigi Ann said...

I noticed, (or so to me anyway) that the fall foliage is so beautiful this year. I have a tree out front of my house that is a beautiful yellow/gold, I need to take a picture of it. I don't remember it ever being that lovely.

Thanks for your visit to my Quotes and Things. I too, have trouble staying off of the computer. I am really trying to cut back, therefore, I only post on Quotes every week or ten days. My Reading Corner is my main blog now. You know how it is when you have more than one blog, you have to cut back somehow.

Enjoy your week-end and the beautiful Fall Foliage.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty effect.

Valerie said...

I like the blue and cream tones.
Yes the colours are different this year. In my garden the leaves that normally go brown have adopted a bright yellow colour; very pretty.

Tuesday Morn....

   The evening shot at the top is almost the same as the morning shot. The earth continues to tilt and look at where the sun is hitting alre...