Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday's posting.........

My zinnia's have been a ready food source for all sorts of insects.  This white zinnia has a unique appearance and two friendly feeders.


Martin said...

That's a fine picture, Larry.

L. D. said...

Thanks Maritn. Sometimes the conditions of light and the camera and the operator just get things right. I am really pleased with this photo and put it in my AAA bucket of photos.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot, Larry.

troutbirder said...

Good picture. Bad bugs. If that's an adult corn root worm beetle I don't like them at all. The begin devoring my flowers about mid August. Yuk.

Valerie said...

I really like this moth-eaten flower... not saying it was a moth that did the damage but it's a saying we use a lot over here.

Alan Burnett said...

A fabulous photograph Larry and so realistic that I had to keep returning to have another look because I was sure that I had seen the insects move.

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.