Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hosta Close Up.....

The change of the season will give these leaves a color change as seen below.

The weathering and change in length of day helps to shut the hosta down for the coming winter.


Anonymous said...

I always had a tough time explaining to my dad that the hosta WOULD come back! He was just sure it was gone for good!

Anonymous said...

I love not only the color change, but the change in texture. It is changing from supple green to crackly gold. We used to have huge hostas at our previous house.

Anonymous said...

Alex is a neat guy. He is my grandson but I think he is still neat. lol

His first job after school is where he works now. He details cars that are traded-in for new ones. So he gets to drive all kinds of cars and trucks. Lots of experience there too.

He goes to college several days a week and works in between. Not sure but he meets up with my daughter who lives back home with us now, and they are able to have lunch together. He is getting his Associates Degree there and my daughter is going to be a Registered Nurse.

troutbirder said...

Interesting light on that first pics. I don't know what I'd do without all the hostas here on our shady lot in the country....


  The sunrise with color lasted only for a few minutes.  Its a cloudy day and the sun is covered over with the clouds. The earth is tilting ...