Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Velveteen Rabbit

Found among a lot of rubble of magazines, books and old clothes was this small stuffed toy.  It was my wife's velveteen rabbit that she had as a child found in the house where she lived as a young girl.  It is in rough shape with a few holes here and there but it will be repaired.  I like the little bell hanging from it's neck.

Back when it was made they used a straw like material to stuff them as in a tear in it's back you can see the blades of straw.  I can't date the item without telling my wife's age but I think it is a wonderful keepsake.


Little Nell said...

Oh yes, do keep him and repair him.

Anonymous said...

This was a precious find. I have most of my childhood dolls and treasure them. I have a doll that belonged to John's aunt that is over 100 years old that had to be restored and I am very proud of it also.
Hope you and Della will share her rabbit again once it is restored.

Betsy Brock said...

Oh, that is just so sweet!

Alan Burnett said...

A great find Larry and well worth repairing. Memories, like rabbits, are well worth preserving even though the straw is poking through in places.

Snow Falling Today.....