Thursday, October 27, 2011

Birch tree...........

The birch tree next to my house is still clinging onto a few of it's leaves.  Our fall has been a different one this year as you can see I still have a green weigela right next to the tree.  I will need to get out and rake or mow in the next week or so.


claude said...

Your birch tree looks like mine. They are yellow and green.
My cherry tree have lost only a few leaves and the pink chestnut tree is yellow on a side and green on the other one.
The rabbit of your previous post reminds me the one of the publicity for the chocolat LINDT for Eastern Time. It is a chocolat rabbit covered of gold paper and he has a little bell hanging at a red ribbon around its neck.
I thought about another pu I love very much.
I just sent it to you by mail.

Anonymous said...

It is an unusual fall. Our birch tree is nearly bare but the gardenia bush is loaded with blooms! Our maples looked like they were going to be beautiful but then the leaves dried and turned brown.
Your header pic is really nice.

Hilary said...

The cool weather started later than usual.. or at least we had a long, early Indian Summer. I think that accounts for the lingering season. I'm not complaining. Lovely tree shot.

Snow Falling Today.....