Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday's Frog...........

I have an older pond in my back yard that I don't maintain.  I am working at filling it in with dirt and turning it into a flower bed.  I add a few buckets of dirt to it each summer.  In the meantime the water is merky and in the natural. 

My frog is doing well in this pond as it has lots of mud and the water is  somewhat shallow.  There is one deep area which must make my frog happy.  I have never seen him with his whole body being green.  I suppose he not a true green frog.  Maybe someone out there is a frog expert and can tell my about my garden friend.


Valerie said...

Can't help with your query. I like frogs, unfortunately I don't see them so much now. I'm interested in your idea of converting the pond area to a flower bed. It might be something I could pursue with my useless pond.

ScrappySandie said...

I don't know frog classifications either! It IS a frog, not a toad and it IS green...that's all I know! My question for you, Larry, is how did you train him to sit for a photo shoot? Amazing!

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about frogs, but I think this one likes you and poses for you!

Fern Leafed Peony...