Monday, July 9, 2012

What a little rain can do.

Our short downpour gave this daylily a new burst of energy.  It is a smaller daylily that I brought home from my parents home.  I had bought it and given it to them but didn't have it myself until I brought home a section of it.

Here is a second shot of how well it performs with a good rain.  I really was surprised to see how well it was doing until I walked over to take a few shots. 


claude said...

Wow, Larry ! Its absolutely magnificent. Reaaly some very pretty flowers.

Anonymous said...

That really is pretty and very healthy. The center reddish color reminds me back in the sixties when mama would "blot" her lipstick on a tissue!

Far Side of Fifty said...

very pretty Daylily..I like the eye it has. Have a good day at work! :)

Fern Leafed Peony...