Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Garden Cat.......

When we first adopted Barnabas I thought it would be great to have a dog following me around in the garden as I worked.  Barnabas isn't a follower. When he is outside, he is a doing dog.  He chases, he barks, he drinks from the pond and he barks at all the neighbor dogs.

Tom Tom is a little bit like our Yellow Kitty and he does follow me around  while I am in the garden.  Most times he is just around and has me in sight at all times. He is mostly a feral cat even though he was  raised inside during his younger years. The neighbors kept him inside even though he might not have been that tame with all the other cats around. He likes to be petted and then watching me outside is one of his other favorite things. One can not pick him up as that is not allowed by him. He does come for me to feed him and he will let me pet him then.


Valerie said...

He's lovely, Larry, and the picture of him is perfect. Interesting that he allows petting when feeding but not at other times.

Anonymous said...

He is handsome. Funny how some cats like to watch while we work.
Our morning temps have been in the mid 40's but it warms up nicely during the day.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Tom Tom is sweet. He looks right at home. Where does he go when the snow starts?

Enjoy him ~ FlowerLady Lorraine

claude said...

Beautiful cat !
The young cat f our neighbor comes every evening in our garden.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Tom Tom looks like a good watch cat. Barney is a Border Collie..he must think his job is to patrol the yard:)


  The sunrise with color lasted only for a few minutes.  Its a cloudy day and the sun is covered over with the clouds. The earth is tilting ...