Monday, December 17, 2012


The angel tree is not completely decorated but it is really starting to sparkle. It was a busy weekend and we just didn't get it done.  I have two others set up but also there are no decorations.


Anonymous said...

How very pretty. The angels are beautiful.

George said...

This tree is going to be beautiful when you're finished. It's very pretty already.

Linda said...

So beautiful, Larry!

Valerie said...

It looks lovely, Larry.

Alan Burnett said...

Like so often we seem to share the weather, we also share the state of out Christmas Tree decorations. One is two-thirds decorated, the other has yet to be started on. I am sure we will both get there in the end, in time to sit down and enjoy Christmas. A very Happy Christmas to you and your family Larry, from your friend in Yorkshire.

Color Blends.....

 Thursday morning glow of the start of the day is seen with all these blended colors.Leaves are not started to bud yet but soon the view wil...