Monday, January 21, 2013

Winter Blues

The junco is glad to see there are two more feeders in which he can visit.  The birds started flocking in the yard once the snow started to build up on the ground.  That was Sunday when we received a couple of inches of snow.  When the Arctic air hit in the afternoon our thermometers started dropping quickly.  We had been 45 degrees warm around noon and then it dropped to 16 degrees in the night. This morning the temperatures kept dropping as it was -0.7 degrees when we got up and now it is -6 degrees after I arrived at work.  Cold is relative at what ever temperature below the freezing mark but our wind chill is registering at -25 degrees.  It is worse up north as they are closer to Canada but it seems to be set in to be very cold for another 24 hours.


ScrappySandie said...

Wow! Cold, cold cold! Temps are dropping here in Mich. too! Birds are swarming the feeders so we must be in for some interesting weather.
Stay warm, Larry!

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty photo. My nephew that just had the new baby, recently moved from MN to Hermosa Beach CA - I know he is happy to miss the cold temps!

George said...

It's gotten colder here as well, but fortunately not quite as cold as in your neck of the woods. The junco looks as if he's thinking of just staying at the feeder.

Red and Green....