Monday, March 18, 2013

Stardom is Hard Work.........

We  made it to Chicago to see our new 3 week old grandson, A.J. on Saturday.  He is a star for now as he is our first grandchild. My wife and I both were able to hold him for long periods of time.


Far Side of Fifty said...

He is so handsome! And sleepy! :)

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a sweetiepie. I know you and your wife enjoyed snuggling with him.


George said...

Congratulations. He must have worked hard to keep his grandparents smiling.

Glennis said...

Precious little fellow, would be nice to cuddle him.

Karen said...

A handsome young man! I am so glad you got to visit!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

So glad to read that you and your wife were able to get to Chicago to meet your 1st grandchild, Larry. Hope you can getaway for more visits as the time goes by so quickly and they grow up so fast. Ours are a 10 hr drive which is why we plan to relocate to New England and at 6+ years and nearly 2 years they ARE growing fast and time is so precious. Besides as grandparents it's our job to spoil and leave.

Anonymous said...

So precious. What a great photo and I am so thrilled for all of you.

Seadonal Remnant....