Saturday, September 7, 2013


The bumblebees have been hitting my large sedum plant as if it were their last meals.  I keep it watered but it has all fallen down from the middle outward.  I have decided that the plant has been there in the same location over 15 years or more.  All the sedums I see at homes and around the  school are still standing.  So it probably is time for me to divide it and plant it all over my property.  It seems to be a pretty hardy plant so I will probably have no problem.  Maybe spring is a better time.  I will look it up on the internet.

Another shot to show you how it just collapses once the hot weather hits. I do think I bought this plant and yet it could be a start from another one that I have in a different location.  I should move some of that too.


Valerie said...

I wish I had your energy for moving plants around.

My neighbour gave me a sedum cutting last year and this year it has flowered prolifically. I look forward to seeing the bees.

Anonymous said...

We had success moving sedum in the fall and spring. It must be pretty hardy! I do remember how the bees loved it.

Linda said...

Sedum are great value for the bees. They're not pretty for most of the year, but I'm willing to put up with that for the sake of the bees liking them.

ScrappySandie said...

Your sedum plant looks lovely! Mine looks just like the bottom does the same thing every year. I was told its because it doesn't get enough sun...we live in the woods. Oh well, it looks nice for the first part of summer anyway!


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