Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bumble Bee........

In the commercial trade this is being sold as Bumble Bee.  It is a very old strain of iris that grows wild in the Murray, Iowa cemetery.  They mow it back around this time so the area doesn't look overtaken by it. I am having a poor showing of it this year in my yard so I will take shots everyday to assure visuals of those few that I do have.  It is one of my favorites that I remember my Aunt Lois had at her house. She lived at the end of a dirt road in a very old house that had the old peonies and iris blooms.  During Memorial Days she was always bringing them to the cemeteries in glass jars.


Jeevan said...

Iris looks unique among flowers! You got a lovely one here... hope it blooms much better next time in your yard :)

Patsy said...

Wish I had more Iris-and a place to grow them. This one is lovely.

Kay said...

Very pretty

Valerie said...

Lovely colours... I don't think I've ever seen this one before.

Anonymous said...

Sweet memories and such a gorgeous iris.
