Monday, September 1, 2014

Still Life Junk............

A photo of mystery today as I try to find new and exciting things in which to take photos.  The item with the wheels, lacking the rubber part of the wheel, is sitting upside down to keep standing water away from the mosquitoes.  The neighbor who moved away 30 years ago charged me ten dollars for it as he sold off as much of his old stuff as he could before moving to Utah.  My dad's wooded squirrel feeder awaits my decision.  I will either use it this winter or burn it. The stray brick came from somewhere and the whole scene sits there out in public view.   I can still use the thing with wheels in an emergency but the wheels do slow me down.


Anonymous said...

It certainly makes a great photo. Almost every home we've had, we would find bricks buried whenever we dug holes for plants. These houses don't have a single brick any where, so maybe we are safe! You two have a good night.

Betsy Brock said...

That makes a very neat photo...I love old, rusty things...especially the older I get myself! haha.

Dan the Mountain Man said...

Looks and sounds like something to use as decoration in the garden.

Jeevan said...

Interesting things to shoot! Bricks are things help in emergency and we too have few around the house.

Fern Leafed Peony...