Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26th..........

It is the day after Christmas and the snow is almost gone.  When there is not snow on the ground the birds don't need to flock to the feeder.  The suet feeder keeps the woodpeckers coming though and that is good.The sparrows may drop in during the evening hour and have a last bite to eat.


troutbirder said...

Same here. The suet eaters are always reliable...:)

claude said...

No snow over here, it is not cold but all my bird feeders are open.

Jeevan said...

Lovely click!

Anonymous said...

Pretty photos.

I sent you two an email with my new email address - check your spam folder for it.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice shot of the woodpecker- one I rarely see here. Have a great weekend!

Unplanned Accident....

 I shot this while trying to text my wife photo and message. It looks like a planned composition.