Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Camera.........

I received a new camera for Christmas.  It is a slim featured one but with all the best bells and whistles. I finally figured out how to download the photos and all is working well now.  New things mean learning new ways to work a camera.  It is an Olympus Stylus and will be easy for me to take along in the car. The photo I am sharing today is sort of confusing but the top shiny object is a large clear  angel compared to the smaller one below.


Hilary said...

A new camera is always a "yay!" event. Enjoy!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Congrats on your new camera. I am pining away for a new zoom lens...maybe for my birthday! LOL!

Jeevan said...

The first digital camera i used was Olympus and it was my uncle's who later given it to me.

Unplanned Accident....

 I shot this while trying to text my wife photo and message. It looks like a planned composition.