Friday, January 9, 2015

Waiting and Watching for Seed........

The juncos were helping the goldfinches pick seed from the web sock.  The junco doesn't have the right kind of claws on its feet to hang from the bag but they can get on a branch and lean over to pull seed through the holes.  There are only three branches close enough for them to land on to reach from so the bush is full of birds waiting their turns to feed. I wonder if the nyjer thistle seed is swallowed whole or if they are breaking away a coating.

A second photo helps to tell the story as the goldfinch is on the sack and quickly pulling seed from between the webbing.  Extra seed falls through and the juncos and sparrows are on the ground below getting much needed food.


Linda said...

Gorgeous, Larry, and I also love your snowcapped coneflowers.

Betsy Brock said...

haha...we have similar posts up today...great minds! Hungry birds!

Jeevan said...

Interesting how juncos get fed!


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...