Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Waiting Their Turns...or Hidden in Plain View.......

Snow storms causes traffic back up at the feeder too. Seven inches of snow is on the ground.  I took this shot as a fluke thinking it wasn't going be anything to post.  Once I edited it I really still hadn't noticed all of the things going on in the photo.  A flock of sparrows were waiting their turn and the cardinal didn't mind waiting with them.  The sparrows are blending into the background so at first I didn't see them in the photo. Can you find the 6 sparrows in the photo? There could have been more before I cropped the photo.

    -9.5 degrees F.  at 9:30 in the morning


claude said...

I love this pohoto, Larry.
Yes I saw the sparrows.
This is the same here, Birds ware waiting their turns in the cherrytree and the chestnuttree.

Jeevan said...

Oh! I too missed the sparrows in the image until read your note. Amazing how they blend with the scene amid the stunning red cardinal. Red seems outstanding in snow and woods


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