Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Looking Out......

The seven inches of snow and the cold turned us into a frozen winter wonderland. The most we can do is to stay inside and stay warm.  All schools are shut down today in the state as the negative temperatures and the windchill makes it difficult to transport kids to school. 

I did venture out on Tuesday and shoveled some walks and took out the garbage.  You can see the snow depth  by seeing how much snow is piled on the arms of the bench. Definitely I will be staying in all day today.


Betsy Brock said...

We're staying in, too, for the second day in a row. Only 6 degrees before the strong winds! brr.

Your geraniums are doing MUCH better than mine are inside!

The Furry Gnome said...

Same cold weather here, but 20" of snow!

Jeevan said...

You sound pretty cold and dare to go out! Snow is a dream for me, but still I am uncertain will I breath such less temperature.

Beautiful captures and I like the thick snow cushions

Valerie said...

Sorry, Larry, When I read about your weather conditions I feel quite guilty that (so far) we haven't had any snow. Well, I lie, we had a smattering the other week! Nothing to worry us, though.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Larry.


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...