Friday, February 27, 2015

Sunshine in My Eyes.......

The male cardinal has turned so brown that I have to look twice to see if it is a male or female. Then I think how confused I am as the female is totally brown and does not have the an all red colored head.  When I first got up to let the dogs outside I noticed one lone junco sitting on a bar of the lawn chair looking back at me.  In my bathrobe and flimsy shoes I went out and fed the birds even before I had made coffee.  It is -11 degrees F.  and the birds should really be hungry.  They were grateful as this guy above showed up for me to take some shots after my coffee.


Anonymous said...

Wow, your temp is so cold! I love this shot of the Cardinal. Wishing you two a nice weekend.

Hilary said...

Looks like a male to me.. perhaps a juvenile?

Valerie said...

Fabulous shot, Larry. You are kind to brave the elements to feed the birds. Mind you, I've been known to dash out, in nightwear, in all weathers to look after them.

Jeevan said...

Pretty warm capture!

Betsy Brock said...

Nothing like a quick trip out in your jammies in that cold air to wake you up! Makes the coffee taste even better, too!

Linda said...

What a lovely sight. :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture but he does look cold his feathers are all fluffy.


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