Saturday, February 28, 2015

Seeing White.........

I pull these out of my wife's glass display cupboard once in a while and take their pictures.  They are smaller items as the glass cabinet has shelves that are about 4 inches high.  Only the small things get to be in there.  The penguin is a ceramic piece that has very subtle glaze color on it.  The little dogs are from the past, retrieved out of my grandmother's house when they were shutting it down for sale in the 1950's. My mom didn't protect them very well.

I have a lot of bad memories about the two pups as the whole set six or more were so abused that the two are all that is left.  I have looked for them at shops and on the internet but none seem to be out there.  The two mother and father dogs were big with black dog collars on them.  There were two or three more pups and they all have been broken.  The surviving mother dog and one other pup didn't survive a situation when my brother was living with my mom about 7 years ago.  The glaze on these pups have an iridescent glaze on them and the single stroke of red on their mouths make them look like sad faces. My grandmother was British but I bet these came from Japan and were not family keepsakes from overseas.


Anonymous said...

Cute, little pieces. I'll be on the lookout for dogs like these when I am antiquing.

Valerie said...

They do look a bit down-in-the-mouth - cute though. I'm glad you're taking care of the remaining dogs.


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