Monday, March 2, 2015


The winds were strong last week and as you can see it took out a birdhouse.  The dead leaves showing through the snow is a promise of something.  I don't think it is spring.

The rustic house is back on its solid base awaiting the next change in the weather.  We have not received any of the forecasted weather for about a week now.  It is always a guessing game.  I scraped frost off my car this morning. It is suppose to be warming up to just 30 F. today.


Anonymous said...

oh wow you did have those March winds. Poor birds . They will have to go find some food till someone puts up there home again.

Better days ahead my friend.

Valerie said...

It's lucky the birdhouse didn't smash to pieces. Your winds came across the ocean to us even though we didn't ask for them... smiles.

Alan Burnett said...

The birds are beginning to return to their feeding stations over here, so hopefully that means the weather is on the change.

Jeevan said...

hope the weather turns into favor...
