Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful for Suet.....

The downy woodpecker is grateful for the suet that I put out early in the season.  One downy does come to the feeder everyday and I have no way of knowing if it is the same one or if there are different ones. Some do not have the red marking on their heads so if I see some of those I will know that there is more than one.


Anonymous said...

They are such fun to watch. You two are a blessing to the birds and the cats in your neighborhood.
Enjoy your day.

Cranberry Morning said...

Looks like your Thanksgiving guest is getting a good dinner. Bless you. I love it when people appreciate and care for God's creatures. Happy Thanksgiving.

The Furry Gnome said...

I'm going to try putting out some suet this year, and see what we get.

Valerie said...

I wish I could put suet out for our birds... if I did the squirrel would have scoffed it in 2 minutes flat.

Jeevan said...

Nice feeding out
