Saturday, January 9, 2016

Go Big Red.......

I am watching for something colorful to come to the feeder.  I was trying to take a photo of a downy that was swooping in, grabbing a seed, and then taking off again.  While standing there waiting for the hunter does for a kill, I look over and snap this poorly looking shot.

And the specimen arrives to the feeder posing for me in many directions. He looks very red today compare to his color a month ago. 

Just like a professional model he turns and tips his head my way.  He is a friendly guy and I hope he stays for the rest of the winter.  The cute juncos are really enjoying the fresh seed that I took out this morning in 12 degree F. temperatures.


Jeevan said...

Fantastic capture and indeed stood like an elegant model in gorgeous red gown! The red cardinal in the backdrop of snow is always pretty even through it was snowy there, the weather suits the picture.

Betsy Brock said...

pretty....I do love the cardinals!

The Furry Gnome said...

Great pictures! Glad you've got a Cardinal coming to your feeder; wish we did.

Anonymous said...

I know your birds appreciate you braving the cold to put out seed.

Morning Clouds….

 The sun won’t be blocked by these clouds. I had to lean way over the end of the deck to get the sun in the shot. As the earth keeps tilting...