Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Fluffy Coating.....

Around ten o'clock last night the wind stopped.  Also at the same time snow just started falling out of the sky in heavy batches.  It must have snowed off and on all night as we were facing a new 6 inches or more of snow this morning.

I had to immediately shovel for the little dog so he could go out.  He was impatient so he went on the top landing outside while I was shoveling him a path on the ground. I don't blame him as he really needed to go.  He doesn't hate snow as long as he doesn't have to trudge through it.  I have been out twice now and he has two paths to help him along.


Anonymous said...

We have been watching the weather all over the country. I don't blame Button for not wanting to trudge thru that much snow.

Theo did not want to go out in the rain today.

Cranberry Morning said...

It does make a pretty photo, doesn't it, Larry! We got it here too, probably 9 inches or so. Mr. C. is out plowing the driveway even as I write. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

The Furry Gnome said...

That first photo provides a nice different view of your gate.

claude said...

We got the same on last mounth, may be less a little bit. I love the squirrel of your banner.


 The sedum opens all the little flowers to create globes of color. The foliage is healthy this year and has a great contrasting green color ...