Friday, February 5, 2016

Button Box......

It is a wooden box.  I assume it came from an old house that my dad had torn down.  It is a lot older yet stronger that the King Edwards cardboard cigar boxes that my dad bought when I was young. The buttons have a lot of history.  I don't think my mom ever retrieved a button from the box to fix anything. They were too old.  One just doesn't throw buttons away in the trash and you keep them in boxes.  I see an old button from a very old couch that we had in our farm house.  That would have been back in 1953 through 1958. I hadn't thought of this for a long time but people who had old clothes probably clipped the buttons off the garment so there wasn't any waste and made quilts or rags out of the garments.


Anonymous said...

You know how much John likes cigar boxes. I found one for him at Goodwill the other day for $2. I love seeing your buttons today and from yesterday's post. Grandmother had lots of buttons too. I specifically remember one summer she made me a white dress with bright orange daisy buttons down the front!

Cranberry Morning said...

I love this photo, Larry! It reminds me of Grandpa Roy's button box. So fun and colorful. Have a wonderful weekend.

Rose said...

My mom had a metal tin for a button box...I always played with them when a child. I did have a ten that had belonged to husband's our daughter has it.

Jeevan said...

Wow! Amazing collection of buttons in different sizes and designs… we too used to store button in small boxes to reuse but they are nothing compared to this.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my GOSH! Lucky you to have this treasure. I love button boxes!


 The sedum opens all the little flowers to create globes of color. The foliage is healthy this year and has a great contrasting green color ...