Thursday, December 15, 2016

Feed Me.........

The old feeder was sitting on the porch railing.  I decided to go ahead and put one seed in it for the small birds.  This guy thought it looked like easy picking for free food.

He was persistent and ignored the guy in the window with the camera.  Unfortunately his excitement and energy level  eventually caused him to bash in one of the sides to the feeder. The  breaking caused the seed to all fall out.  I will just have to toss the feeder now.  I have had it for a long time but it would have been nice to have it for a few more years. At this point I can only count 2 of these creatures as all the rest have moved on to other parts of town.


Valerie said...

Squirrels are my pet hate... they are so destructive. If they would just eat without ruining things and costing me a fortune I would quiet like them!

Jeevan said...

We don't have huge squirrels alike so they never been a trouble for us and i like our palm squirrels... hope he didn't damage the feeder

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Crazy squirrel!!

Anonymous said...

We do have plenty of squirrels. Driving out of our neighborhood, I have to dodge them as they cross the street!


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