Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday's Here......

Being right handed, I rarely take photos on this side of objects.  I noticed that most all of my photos taken showing the left side of an item.  The placement of the mule and goat forced me to shoot from this angle.

The manger scene is up and glowing. The glow is a simple small light bulb that settled to the bottom of the slot.  It actually works better there  than being placed at the top of the slot where I normally place it.


Jeevan said...

The placement of light makes a natural illumination on the scene. Nice click on the mull and goat

Valerie said...

I love your Christmas decorations, you put so much effort into creating scenes.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Beautiful. I have mine under the tree, right beside Katie's spot..she doesn't bother it though.

Karen said...

This is a lovely set. The lighting is nice. Hope you and Della enjoy this Christmas week.

Anonymous said...

How lovely.


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...