Monday, March 27, 2017

What Is it?

I saw the archived photo and I wondered what is that photo all about.  I see now it was a former art project example that I made as an example. I have a Monet-like painting on the back cover of an old book and a more modern Kandinsky-like painting on the cover..

Books are being sent to the landfill at a rapid pace.  Different librarians have different sets of values when it comes to the weeding out of old books.  I think sometimes a good book is thrown because of its age rather than because of its value to the a reader.  I used many old books for this recycle art project.


Karen said...

I have seen this happening at our public library. It grieves me to see many of the older books missing from the shelves.

Betsy Brock said...

Love the Monet-ish side!

Morning Clouds….

 The sun won’t be blocked by these clouds. I had to lean way over the end of the deck to get the sun in the shot. As the earth keeps tilting...