Sunday, May 21, 2017


It seems fitting that the fan-shaped trellis has fan-shaped clusters of blooms on its vine. The vining honeysuckle is not quite in full bloom yet.  Each of those trumpets need to open up into a bloom on the end of the tube. The leaf shapes are so unique to see.  I own this now but I have never heard of this kind of plant before.  My honeysuckle on the bushel are red and look so much differently than these.


Valerie said...

It's a new plant to me, too, but I like it a lot.

claude said...

Very beautiful ! Pretty peonies !

Jeevan said...

First times seeing such flowers and the leaves are interesting shape! Beautiful capture

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely plant!


 Old glass pieces that have no planned arrangement.  I guess it is call a candid shot. It is a lesson in how not to take a photo.  I even cu...