Saturday, May 20, 2017

Peony Season........

This older fashioned peony is always the first to bloom.  The other colors well bloom in another week or so.  I have lots of them at the old place and our new place has six or seven of them in a row getting ready to bloom.  As a photo, this one is an indoor shot.  The artificial light does affect the color making it more yellow than the well lighted outdoor shot.

I do like the above shot though because of it capturing the essence of all of the parts of the bloom. You can see by this shot on the side that the true colors really don't have any orange in it.


George said...

I like both of these photos. The true color of the peony is beautiful.

The Furry Gnome said...

Our Peonies are still in bud.

Jeevan said...

Indeed great capture and the light enhances the flower

ScrappySandie said...

The outdoor shot evokes memories of my childhood, growing up in a small town in southern Wisconsin. My mom had just a few peony plants but I loved those large, luscious blooms! Thanks for the memory, Larry!

Anonymous said...

Such intricate and beautiful blooms.

Red and Green...