Friday, May 19, 2017

Torpedo Jar.......

I brought a new cutting of iris from the old place yesterday.  They were placed in an old jar and transferred into the canning jar.  We have a grey day because of the rain so I placed the flowers in front of the sliding glass door to get good lighting for the shot. The old canning jar was called a torpedo jar because of its shape. It is an old jar from a house that was later torn down after I had collected it. .


Jeevan said...

It isn't a bad jar to decor flowers! Nice placement for shot

Valerie said...

It's a very nice jar, especially with those flowers in it.

Dianna said...

Thanks to this post and your explanation about the torpedo jar I was able to identify one at the auction we went to last night. Not only was I able to identify it, but I was also able to come home with one.
So thank you for the post!

George said...

These are beautiful iris and a pretty jar. I have not heard the phrase 'torpedo jar' before. Thanks for both the beauty and the information.

ScrappySandie said...

Very nice photo. Love those beautiful irises, especially in the natural light.


 Old glass pieces that have no planned arrangement.  I guess it is call a candid shot. It is a lesson in how not to take a photo.  I even cu...