Friday, October 6, 2017

Insect Visitor......

While I was taking photos of the zinnias yesterday,  I was surprised to see this praying mantis.  It is very large compared to the one small white one that I posted shots of a few months ago.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! He is almost bigger than the flower. I have never seen one this color.

Jeevan said...

You got amazing detail on the mantis! Superb shot

Christine said...

An amazing insect - one I only see in photos!

Karen said...

When he was a toddler my oldest child once asked me, "What are they praying for?" lol This is a great pic!

troutbirder said...

Hmmm. I've never seen on of those critters here in Bluff Country..:(

The Furry Gnome said...

Great picture!

claude said...

In French "mante religieuse" I hot one a day.
Have a nice week-end, Larry !

Mourning Dove.....

 It is cold and the dove chose to just sit on the feeder.  It is a place out of the wind chilled air.