Friday, January 5, 2018

From the Past......

Five years ago the old place had lots of snow.  We had some winters where there was very little snow fall but that year we had snow making it a long winter. The old balsam pine is one that I planted back in the late 70’s, a small sprout taken from a ditch on my property in Minnesota.  I have another one planted twenty years ago on the opposite side of the house. This one shown has been trimmed up from the bottom now so one can walk under it. Our temperatures today will be the high of around 8 degrees F.  We are suppose to get up to 35 degrees on Sunday which sounds like a heat wave.


Christine said...

I love this scene with the snow laden branches beside your home sweet home!
Don't break out the shorts and T-shirts just yet even if it sounds like a heatwave! LOL!

Karen said...

That must have been when I was in KC, we got a big snow and extreme cold that burst water pipes! Couldn't get the car out of the driveway!
It was a pretty sight to see deer prancing in the snow in our yard.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This picture is beautiful! I imagine it was hard to leave this home, with the trees you had planted all those many years ago. Here, the past few days have been wind chill at -25.

The Furry Gnome said...

Nice picture of the old house!

Jeevan said...

That's a lovely picture with memories!

Seadonal Remnant....