Thursday, January 4, 2018


A new decoration that my wife received for Christmas is this one shown here. The newest feature of this angel is that ring around the standing angle can be rotated by a simple move with a finger.  The statue appears to be carved in wood originally and then the replica is cast from a material that takes the paint and stain to make it look like it is from wood.

The bottom photo has a little blur but it does show the different things that have been carved to represent the parts of the event.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is just gorgeous! I wonder if it is resin? I love the colors, too, and would be tempted to keep it out all year.

Valerie said...

That's lovely. I have never seen one like it. I agree with Ginny, I too would be tempted to leave it out all year.

Seadonal Remnant....