Friday, February 2, 2018


My brother and I had a train set given to us in the late 50s.  The two red cars are from that set.  The oil tank car was from a train set that belonged to my two older brothers.  I really can’t say the year they received theirs but they are 8 years older than me or more. It is the only car that survived from that set.  The engine to the set may be in ownership of one of my brothers. I remember my mom having discussion with me about what to do with that old engine. She was going to toss it and I do think I told her she should talk to the guys who did own. That engine was such a heavy one compares to the engine of this set.

The company logo on the side is Sunoco. I see by a net search that is still exists as a company in about 25 states yet today.  We do not have that company in our state of Iowa. When I brought the box of train cars and engine home with me, while cleaning out the parents home,  I set the box in our framing studio.  A neighbor up the street came to have something framed and he saw that box and went crazy.  He collected oil station things and he thought he had found a gold mine tank car.  He was disappointed that it was a Sunoco tanker. I don’t think I would have sold it to him but he would probably have quoted a large bid if it were his company that he collects. The car still represents a piece of history in our family and I value it for that.


Karen said...

I know you must have spent many happy hours with the train sets as youngsters!

Anonymous said...

I am not certain but I think at some point, Larry's son may have worked for Sunoco.

Side View

 I saw the bird on the feeder and knew it was larger than the sparrows that are usually on the feeder. The feeder is empty but the mourning ...